Stéphane ROY Photography

" KARIBU " Kenya

(In English below the videos)...

Il n'est pas surprenant que la plupart des reportages animaliers sur la faune africaine se déroulent en Afrique de l'Est, au Kenya et en Tanzanie, c'est vraiment le paradis des photographes et cinéastes !!!

Après mes différents voyages en Tanzanie, Namibie, Zimbabwe, Zambie et Botswana, je me suis rendu plusieurs fois au Kenya, dans la réserve de Samburu, au lac Baringo et sans oublier la réserve de Masai Mara et la fameuse grande migration.
Je crois n'avoir jamais vu autant d'animaux de ma vie et autant d'interactions.

Mon prochain voyage ? Et bien… probablement la même destination !

Très bonne visite…

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Copyright © Stéphane ROY

In English below after the videos...

A regarder en HD... (Watch in HD)...

"KARIBU" Kenya
It is no surprise that most wildlife reports regarding African fauna are filmed in East Africa, Kenya and Tanzania. It's a true paradise for photographers and film-makers alike.
After my various travels to Tanzania, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Botswana, it went to Kenya in the Samburu reserve, Baringo lake and of course in the Masai Mara Reserve with the famous great migration !
Never in my life could I have thought that I would see so many animals and have so much interactions with them.
My next trip ? Well.... probably the same destination !
Enjoy your visit...
You can also escape to any other of my websites : Main Site, Nature

All photos featured on the website are available to purchase

If you are interested in any of my photos, would like any informations regarding formats, supports, tariffs or anything else, then please do not hesitate to contact me at

All photos on the website are copyright
Copyright © Stéphane ROY